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Friday, September 7, 2007

Floods Causing Road Traffic Accidents

It is hard to believe the amount of rain that has fallen over the UK in the past month. In fact the majority of the UK has had well above the average amount of rain fall with some areas having their wettest June on record. This rain has caused serious havoc with our roads with many of them being cut off completely.

The chances of road traffic accidents happening are greatly increased when we have more rain than normal. When our roads have been dry for some time and then suddenly the heavens open and the rain comes down, this can make driving conditions seriously impaired. Tarmac becomes almost as slippery as ice when water hits it after a period of dry and warm weather. It only takes driving a little too fast around a roundabout or turning in general when if the ground is seriously slipping you can loose control and skid across the road.

Since the rain began there have been numerous occasions where people have been late to work due to accidents on the road or been involved in an road traffic accident themselves.

Having a road traffic accident can be quite a scary experience. Loosing control of a vehicle where you spin out into the path of on coming traffic is every drivers worst nightmare.

You might think that if an accident occurs due to the natural weather conditions even if they are extreme then its no-ones fault except Mother Nature or climate change. This is true to some degree but if a river bursts its bank or a bridge collapse then it is the councils responsibility. If you had a road traffic accident and it was because of extreme water on roads or because you tried to avoid hitting another vehicle that had lost is grip then you could be entitled to claim compensation for any pain and suffering. Claim compensation for accidents that were not our own fault is our civil and legal right. It is not fair for a person who has to find the cost of having weeks of work, repairs to their car all due to a road traffic accident.

There appears to be a stigma attached to claiming compensation. A lot of people think its reserved for the lower classes if you dont mind me using the old fashioned class system. This is so not true. People are also put off by what they think is a complex financial and legal process. The truth of the matter is that claiming compensation for say a road traffic accident is a simple and painless process. All it takes is a call to an Accident Claimsfirm to start the ball rolling. They will then send you a form or questionnaire to fill out. Once you have filled in the form you can sit back and let your Lawyer do all the hard work. You will not have to pay a penny towards this law suit as most Lawyers work on a No Win No Fee basis which means they wont take the case on unless they are 99% sure they will win. The fees of the Lawyer will be paid once the case has been won. If for some reason the case is lost then the fees of the Lawyer will be paid by after the event insurance. This really is a painless way of claiming for compensation for a accident that was not your fault.

So if the floods have caused you to have an accident, dont think there is nothing you can do about it, call a Lawyer and see what they have to say. Remember if you do or say nothing then the same accident could happen again to someone else. But if you make a stand and seek compensation then those that were responsible will do more to protect people the next time we have flood warnings.

Accident claims for the UK market contact Accident Consult for your no obligation Road Traffic Accident consultation service.

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Legal Separation - What You Need To Know

A divorce is one of the worst things that can happen to a family. It can tear families apart, and leave everyone feeling miserable. Most couples try as hard as they can to save their marriage before deciding to make divorce their final step. Legal separation is an option that married couples can turn to when they have major problems in their relationships.

It is the act of living separate lives without divorcing. It is an opportunity that gives each partner time to decide what they really want, to work though issues, and to try to patch up their problems. Legal separation can sometimes fix relationships, and it may also reinforce the need for divorce.

A lot of issues may come into play with a legal separation. You may be able to pay your taxes separately, which can be an asset, and you may have to worry about child custody issues as well. You may also have to worry about who will make the house payment, who will drive what car, and who will care for any family pets. It is a good idea to get the advice and assistance of a good lawyer if you decide to enter into legal separation.

This will help you in figuring out what you need to do, and what your rights are. You may try to handle this option on your own, but beware of making mistakes. Any mistake you make during legal separation can affect the outcome of your divorce, and have an impact on child custody issues.

You can find many websites and articles on the Internet that offer information about legal separation if you want to have some information before going to see a lawyer. Since laws will vary from one state to another, you should be careful when you are going through this information. You should also keep in mind that not all information you find online will be accurate.

If you try this option as a last resort to save your marriage, dont feel bad about it. There is nothing wrong with doing what you think is best for your family and for yourself. Legal separation can save your marriage, or at the very least, make you more comfortable with your decision to end your marriage.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Legal Separation. Visit our site for more helpful information about Legal Separation and other similar topics.

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What Is A Personal Injury Claim?

Any time a person is injured, that person experiences a personal injury. The law is designed to protect an individual from being harmed by other people or organizations. If a person experiences harm as a result of the actions of another person or organization, that person can file a personal injury claim. The claim will involve an attempt to demonstrate that either through negligence, or as a result of willful or inadvertent actions, the person or organization caused the personal injury experienced by the aggrieved party.

What Are the Different Types of Personal Injury Claim?
Before you decide to file a personal injury claim you will need to know a few things about it so you will be able to proceed in a manner that will bring you the best relief and compensation. Of course, the shortest and best way to do this is to consult an attorney. However, it never hurts if you are a little educated on the subject, so that you clearly understand your rights and what you will be entitled to should you pursue a claim.

There are two types of personal injury claims and these are: (2) general damages personal injury claim and (2) special damages and future loss personal injury claim.

1. General damages: This type of personal injury claim involves a demand for compensation for demanded for any emotional or physical suffering that you might have had to endure after the injury or accident.

2. Special damages: This type of personal injury claim is about the money loss you incurred as a result of the injury or accident. It includes direct costs resulting from the injury as well as earnings lost.

Expenses typically categorized as special damages include:

*Damage to the property you own (clothes, home, car, etc.)
*Medical treatment expenses
*Loss of pay for the time you spent in the hospital

Special damages can be compounded by the possibility of you loosing the ability to earn or continue in the same profession as you were before the accident. Special damages will also cover the loss that you suffer if a member of your family died if that member was supporting you financially.

In order to make your case strong, you should keep all the receipts that represent these payments very carefully. The more proof you have of the expenses you incurred to recover from the injury you suffered, the better are your chances to win the claim.

What Else You Should Know Before Filing for Personal Injury Claim?
It is a fact that your claim could be restricted if the other party could proves that any part of injury you experienced was partly or wholly your fault. Even if the other party is found to be at fault, if it appears that you did not attempt to keep the expenses and lost income at a minimum, your claim could also be reduced.

Toronto personal injury lawyers for car accidents, malpractice, slip and fall, dangerous property & products and attorney for wrongful death. http://www.bergellaw.com/

Ensure that you get sufficient information on what you are likely to be awarded in case you file a claim and be aware that the law will carefully weigh both sides before processing the claim. Expert advice on whether the personal injury claim has chances to succeed or not will help you take the best decision.

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