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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sales Hypnosis - Using Hypnosis To Ultra-Boost Your Sales

Being able to create sales or close deals can make or break your career. It doesn't matter what your business or place of employment deals with, those who will make the most of the money are those who are able to come into contact with prospective customers and convert them into paying customers. One of the best ways to become a master salesperson is by use of hypnosis for sales, but how does this work? And why is it so effective?

Research has shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that appealing to the logic of your potential customers will not get you a lot of sales. Why? Because logic doesn't get people to buy, only their emotions do. Almost no people buy something because they need it. They buy it because they want it! In order to get people to buy, you have to bypass their logic and appeal to their emotions and inner psyche.

That's where hypnosis comes in handy and in particular covert hypnosis, also known as conversational hypnosis. Covert hypnosis is using the power of certain words, phrases, tone of voice, and intonation to manipulate the minds and decision making process of those you speak with. Any hypnosis within the selling process has to be covert because your prospects won't be aware that you're hypnotizing them. With hypnosis you can basically make unwilling prospects turn into happy customers. Your tapping into their inner psyche and emotions and making them want whatever it is that you're selling.

Coversational hypnosis can be a powerful selling tool, much more than any brochures, presentations, graphs, or fancy packaging. A salesperson who controls this tool can multiply his or her income many times over. However, gaining sufficient control of covert hypnosis isn't easy and it costs some money. The best and most affordable way to do it is to get an online training program which you can then begin to apply at home.

Once you gain the level of control you want, you'll be able to make an impressive return on your investment. Once you sell more, your career will improve and you'll make more money. No one will ever know that you use conversational hypnosis. Only you will hold the power.

To read more on how to control the powers of hypnosis, click here: How To Hypnotize Other People Without Them Knowing It Mike Eltis writes on Covert and Conversational Hypnosis on this webpage: Covert Hypnosis Get People To Do What You Want

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Alcohol Addiction - What Were You Up To Last Night?

Do you remember what you did last night? And the night before, and the night before that?

If you have mornings where you forget what you did the night before, it is time to take a serious look at your drinking habits.

Alcohol addiction could mean that you drink every day; or that you drink to excess every week; or that you feel you can't cope without alcohol. You don't have to be permanently drunk to be addicted.

Consider the effects that your drinking has at the moment. If you can honestly say that you hardly ever get drunk, you never do something you regret the next day, and you can cope without alcohol, then relax - you are out of the danger zone. But if your answer to any of these questions is "yes," then you could be on a slippery slope.

Alcohol addiction creeps up on people without warning. They believe that they have all the control, and feel, "It could never happen to me!" But, one day, they wake up realizing that they are out of control. The alcohol has taken over.

They think it's too late. They spiral into lack of self-respect, hurting their body, then their mind and spirit, and finally their loved ones.

But the good thing is that it's never too late. You can find stories of people who have had the most harrowing of experiences, going right into the gutter (often literally); yet, eventually, they did find out how to stop drinking alcohol and now they are completely free of that prison.

How did these people do that? Well, each one has his own story. However, there are proven ways that help you tremendously. Because, you can't do this by yourself. If you are addicted to alcohol, you will need help. One thing to remember is that there are a number of organizations to deal with such problems, from official government organizations, to charitable ones such as The Samaritans.

Of the self-help tools available, there are books available in the library, and self-hypnosis CDs and downloadable MP3s (by reputable hypnotherapists). Other routes include getting help from the medical profession (e.g. CBT), and from complementary therapists. The more avenues you experiment with, the greater the chance of your success, because they all work together to make it more powerful.

By combining professional help, self help, support from friends and family, and help from expert organizations, you can overcome this.

And it's power that you want: Aren't you tired of being the slave to alcohol?

Alcohol addiction needs help to overcome. Get all the support you can, and do everything you can to learn how to stop drinking alcohol.

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